Kategorie: TheSterlingGirls Blog

How to Style Our Jewelry for Every Occasion

How to Style Our Jewelry for Every Occasion

The Magic of Mythical Creatures in Jewelry

The Magic of Mythical Creatures in Jewelry

The Role of Jewelry in Meditation and Mindfulness

The Role of Jewelry in Meditation and Mindfulness

The 5 Best ways to Clean Silver Jewelry

The 5 Best ways to Clean Silver Jewelry

Does your silver jewelry tarnish easily or even after years of use?

Many people don’t know, but cleaning Silver or Sterling Silver Jewelry is a simple task to accomplish, wether its earrings, bracelet, necklace and so on.

Either if your Jewelry sits in a box or you use daily, in dark away from exposure or lack of use, you will easily learn how to clean silver jewelry with simple DIY methods that remove tarnish and restore the shine.
