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Dragon and Pixiu are two mythical creatures with significant cultural and symbolic meanings in Chinese folklore:

  1. Dragon (龙, Lóng):

    • Symbolism: The dragon is a powerful and benevolent creature associated with strength, prosperity, and good luck in Chinese culture. It symbolizes imperial power, wisdom, and authority. Dragons are believed to control water-related phenomena like rainfall, typhoons, and floods, making them vital symbols in agriculture and life sustenance.
    • Characteristics: Typically depicted as a large, serpent-like creature with scales, claws, and the ability to fly. They are revered and often portrayed as protectors or bringers of good fortune.
  2. Pixiu (貔貅, Píxiū):

    • Symbolism: Pixiu is a mythical creature known for its ferocity and ability to attract wealth and ward off evil spirits. It is believed to have a voracious appetite for gold, silver, and treasures, which it then guards and protects.
    • Characteristics: Pixiu resembles a winged lion with a dragon's head. Traditionally, it is depicted with a single antler and sometimes with wings. It is considered a powerful protector and a symbol of wealth accumulation and prosperity.
    • Usage: Often used in Feng Shui practices to safeguard homes and businesses from negative energies and to enhance financial luck.


  • Dragons and Pixiu are sometimes depicted together in Chinese art and culture, symbolizing a combination of power, protection, and prosperity. They are both seen as auspicious creatures capable of bringing blessings and good fortune to those who honor and respect their symbolism. In Feng Shui, their representations are used strategically to enhance positive energies and deflect negative influences.